
Just flicking through the paper...

My Dad was reading the Irish Times in bed and found a little article on the Independents Day zine fair and spotted a name he recognised. There on Page 9 of the Weekend Review section he saw 'Pepper Morrison'. He was so excited he even got up and showed my Mum. I was out and it took her three phone calls to get through to me. They  both think I'm famous.

This is good. People must share my delusions.

It reads: ...happy we went to- The Independents' Day fair for DIY zines' comics and records at Dublin Food Co-op on Sunday. We left with an armful of reading, including zines lovingly crafted by the young (Mission by the Shanganahg Youth Project, €1) and the young at heart (The Fossil, €2, or free to pensioners). This comic by the talented Patrick Lynch was a great find as was Pepper Morrison's delightful eighth zine, full of charming stories and illustrations dedicated to her mother and her grannies. And Tinderbox made our day with its limited-edition zine of illustrations inspired by songs tucked into a 45 vinyl of our choice (Tiffany's I Think We're Alone Now - don't judge). See independentsdaydubln.blogspot.com.

CHARMING! They think I'm charming. Writing about people pissing and standing next to vomit at bus stops has earned me the title charming. 

Well done to Patrick Lynch for getting his stuff actually pictured in the paper. I should contact him and we can commune and be smug together. He can be legitimately smug, I can be half a sentence smug.